Monday, February 25, 2013

Time to Go Exploring

I'm always up for a fun time. And what could be more fun than starting this post with the classic comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes?

(If it's too small for you to read, you can click on the comic to make it bigger.)

Calvin is right. It's time to go exploring. And as alumni, we should start with the Alpha Xi Delta website. It is one of the best ways to get involved with AΞΔ locally and nationally. The website keeps us updated on Autism Speaks, volunteer/career opportunities, and additional news concerning the sorority. The website also includes an "Exclusively Xi" page specifically for members/alumni. I highly recommend checking it out.

You can also find your nearest Alumni Association on the website. If you have an alumni group in your area, please, please, PLEASE take advantage of that opportunity. Especially since membership is free for new grads (I don't think enough people realize that).

Is anyone else a member of an alumni association? If so, I'd love to hear about your thoughts/experiences. If not? Well, then it's time to take advantage of this magical world and go exploring.

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