Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Magical World of the Greeks

As loyal members of Alpha Xi Delta, we all know the perks of being in a sorority. When we were in college, we were invited to exclusive fraternity parties, ate approximately five pounds of candy at sisterhood events and stuffed our dressers with cute ΑΞΔ t-shirts. We were truly living "Xi" dream (pun definitely intended).

For some reason, the Greek world seems to lose its magic after graduation. We finally realize how gross it is when your shoes stick to the floor in those fraternity basements. When we're making our own money, we realize we're too poor to spend it on candy (and we're all trying to lose weight). And for some reason, we've given away most of our ΑΞΔ apparel.

Why do we do this? I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like it's harder to keep the magic alive when you're far away from your sisters. They're the ones that make the magic possible--they distract you from the sticky floors and the calories in those Kit-Kat bars. When you see each other wearing your letters around campus, you smile at them because you know you're in good company. When you're the only one in your town with an Alpha Xi Delta sweatshirt, it feels lonely.

Celine knows what I'm talking about:

Celine clearly does not want to be by herself anymore. You shouldn't either. How do you stop being lonely? You stay in touch with your sisters. Go through your old photos and post them on each other's walls on Facebook and on your Twitter. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and have a good old-fashioned phone call--it's A LOT more fun hearing someone's voice rather than imagining it while texting. And if possible, arrange reunions with your sisters--whether it's grabbing a cup of coffee or taking a road trip back to your college town, it's sisterhood bonding, and it's awesome.

These little things might not bring back enough magic to make a fraternity basement clean, but it will bring back enough magic to keep connected with each other--that's why we joined a sorority in the first place, right?

I believe it's possible to bring back the magic. The real question is: do YOU believe in magic?

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